“Superfoods are ancient botanicals that harness vital information from the elements and communicate that information to the human immune system, expanding the body’s innate capacity to heal and thrive .”
Superfoods are not a new idea. They include some of the oldest living plants on the planet. They have been used for thousands of years by indigenous people all over the world. Their pharmacological attributes have long been revered by ancient civilizations–and only some of us are beginning to experience the magic and medicine held within them.
Superfoods are called “superfoods” because they are “SUPER” nutrient dense. Superfoods grow naturally in specific regions around the world, where they flourish in their native, wild environment–independent of human interference. They are defined by their many unique properties and multiple nutritional components.
It is only in the last decade, that superfoods have made their way into our market place–and are now one of the fastest growing segments of the health food industry.